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PeaceTags™ are Gifts that Give Back!

PeaceTags™ reflect words of peacemakers and inspire us to work for peace! These dog-tags, inscribed with words of peace, are more than a fashion accessory. They help to compassionately heal the wounds of war and ignite peace in our world!

PeaceTags™ are “dog- tag” shaped necklaces that raise awareness and funds for Non-Profit organizations working to heal wounded troops, their families, our communities and our world. PeaceTags promote the idea that we CAN heal the wounds of war AND create a culture of peace.

In these complex and challenging times, wearing a PeaceTag provides a way to share the voices of some of our wisest sages and creative thinkers calling us toward peace!

Our sales support a variety of 501c3 non-profits.

PeaceTags are exclusively available through Alvin Goldfarb Jeweler.

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